Enormous investments have been made in healthcare cybersecurity during the past few years. These billions of dollars align with the growing cyber threats to the healthcare sector – starting with sensitive medical information, continuing with technological medical tools, and ending with the proper functioning of health systems worldwide.

The special discussion on Healthcare & Cyber offers a unique opportunity to examine the latest and most significant threats to the healthcare sector globally and locally. Furthermore, it allows illuminating innovative technological solutions for securing sensitive and valuable data and medical equipment.

Top experts, government officials, international healthcare cybersecurity companies, and startup representatives will share their ideas, thoughts, and concepts regarding the future of cybersecurity in the health sector and the steps that can be taken in all aspects of health systems, identity, security, and more.


  • 18000Attendees
  • 180+Speakers
  • 200Companies
  • 90Startups
  • 160Delegations