Jeff Pulver

Founder,, USA

Jeff Pulver is a tech industry icon, a pioneer in the field of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), and a leading advocate for internet freedom. In the late 1990s, Pulver saw the potential for VoIP to revolutionize the way we communicate and founded the company Vonage, one of the first VoIP service providers.

From 1997 to 2008 Jeff curated / hosted / produced the VON Conferences which became the international trade show for the VoIP Industry.

As VoIP began to gain traction, Pulver faced resistance from traditional telephone companies and regulators. In 2003, he took on the establishment and petitioned the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). In response, in 2004, The FCC issued the “Pulver Order,” which ensured that VoIP services would not be subject to traditional telephone regulation. This decision paved the way for the widespread adoption of VoIP and transformed the way we communicate.

Pulver has an impressive career spanning more than 25 years, having been involved in multiple startups, and is one of the most well-known figures in the telecom and blockchain industries. He is recognized as a pioneer in the world of communications technology and ‌one of the most famous and renowned figures in the voice-over-IP (VoIP), having been involved in multiple startups globally.

In 2023 Jeff launched VON: Evolution a new event series focused at the intersection of: Telelcom, AI, 5G and Blockchain.

  • 18000Attendees
  • 180+Speakers
  • 200Companies
  • 90Startups
  • 160Delegations