Chairman, Kenya Cyber Security & Forensics Association (KCSFA), Kenya
Mr. Keniz Agira takes pride in being part of solutions to diverse challenges. Areas of speciality include cybercrime litigation support, cyber security and digital forensics legal trainings and electronic/digital evidence Management. My first degree is in law and in the course of career progression, has an on-going Masters in ICT law. Currently a Lead trainer on Electronic Evidence at Worldwaysone; a seasoned trainer on Admissibility of Electronic Evidence in the Magistrates Colloquium for Judiciary Training Institute (JTI); a guest lecturer at Kenya School of Law on cybercrime and electronic evidence; a founding life member and current Chairperson of Kenya Cyber Security and Forensics Association (www.kcsfa.co.ke ). My career research work includes the on - going authorship of books on Electronic Evidence Management book and development of a resource manual on Digital Forensics: a Basic Guide for the beginners.